GWQC has achieved the following certifications: IS09001:2015 (Quality management System), ISO14001.2015(Environmental Management System), OHSAA18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety). GWQC has the most state-of-the-art testing facilities in the industry. Our QA. Lab can provide the following inspection GWQC has the most state of the-ar cesting facilities in the industry. Our QA. Lab can provide the following inspection methods for all of our customer's requirements: Electro-hydraulie Servo Universal Material testing Machine, Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Multifunctional Magnetic Particle Flaw Detector, Spectrograph, Metallurgical Microscope, Salt Spray Testing and other physical and chemical testing equipment. We routinely provide mechanical performance testing, chemical composition analysis, metallographic analysis, dimensional checks, nondestructive inspection, corrosion resistance testing. The Q.A team is comprised of 35 highly qualified individuals. Quality measurements are taken throughout the manufacturing process. From the receiving of raw material to the final inspection performed on finished goods.
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Address: No.18 Taichang Road Lingang Economic Development Zone, Shanhaiguan Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province,China
©2020 秦皇岛市山海关工务器材有限公司 冀ICP备20018004号-2